About Us
varna dance collection

We at Varna make all kinds of dresses
Needed to perform all kinds of stage programmes at reasonable rates.
We supply and design dance costumes taking in account the following.
We supply and design dance costumes taking in account the following.
The style of the dance, the budget, and comfort of dancer.
For classical and folk dance styles, the costumes are made in according to the
All types of costumes are made to make the dance movements look graceful.
We choose colors that flatter and compliment the dancer’s body.

varna dance collection
My dance performance at Town hall on May 5, 2012 was appreciated by
the audience and I got many compliments for the attire and accessories. I would like
to thank Designers at Varna Dance Collections for beautiful


Costume and make up form a very important aspect of any form of dance
and dance dramas.
Contact Us
Varna Dance Collection Kerala
Near Ramadas Theatre, M.G. Road, Thrissur
Pin - 680 001, Kerala, India
Res Number : 0487 2323989
E-mail : mail@varnadancecollections.com
Web : www.varnadancecollections.com/
Phone : 0487-2333691, 2333637, 2323989, 2323989 .
Varna Dance Collection Dubai
Opp. Karama Post Office, Karama, Dubai
Phone : 04-3584555, Mob: 0553747461
Web : www.varnadancecollections.com/